
Final week: sound and music

For the first and only time during the Media Production Project module we've come up with something original, intriguing, easy and at the same time beautiful in its form. For the first time we've created something completely dialogue-independent. For the first time diegetic sound and music don't disturb the audience but peacefully accompany the visuals of the film instead. Sound and music simply help to create a fabulous world of vivid colours, at the same time strengthening oneiric atmosphere of the plot.

The main strength of Pretend to Be is definitely the script and the fact that it was the scriptwriter who acted in the film. Under these circumstances, the director could concentrate on telling the cinematographer what and how to do. Unfortunately, some major flaws occurred during filming (skewed horizontal and vertical lines in many shots) and inaccuracy in editing, however they disturb only those who are familiar with advanced film production.

Fortunately, the module's finally over. Although it taught me how to use Avid Media Composer more efficiently or how to work in a studio better, the things that I'm most happy about are of quite different nature. The end of the module most of all means no more disputes over scripts, childish behaviour of some of the members of the group or putting pride of an individual over the quality of group performance.  Thus what I gained from participating in the module is first of all almost unlimited patience, before any other technical skills I developed.

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