
Week 6: Money- The Root of All Evil ?

\This week's assignment was to create a short film within the frame of British Social Realism. After seeing our latest production I don't think that there is something particular we have achieved to be proud of. However, I believe that we perfectly understood the conventions of British Social Realism in terms of theme and cinematic representation (desaturated colors) and we managed to think of an interesting way to present these general ideas in a short time.
On the day of shooting the weather was very unfavorable which forced us to make spontaneous decisions on set and we changed the script. We decided to shoot an alternative script without prepared dialogue. I believe we managed pretty well in a situation like this since we had an idea what kind of characters we wanted to portray and the main idea we wanted to transfer. What we wanted the audience to see was mainly the strong difference between classes , the struggle of the main character from the low working class and the ''unjust'' and easy way the bourgeois manages to win the girl simply because of his materialistic wealth.
Perhaps the conveyance of these straightforward ideas was not straight enough. As an actor decided to completely improvise with the dialogue which I aimed to sound as if I am a man coming from a low working class who is constantly being suppressed by the structure of the capitalist system, unable to escape poverty. However, I don't think I sound convincing enough since I did not use words that would usually be used from a working class person and also it was the comment of the audience that the main character sounds more like someone who is dealing with depression.
I find that there is an even bigger problem with the rich character - he did not look like one , and also he does not sound like a rich person who maybe would sound more posh. Unfortunately, we did not notice these problems while shooting but like I mentioned everything was more of an improvisation than having something planed and the result in my opinion is acceptable.
What I am really happy with is the ending, since I believe it is a symbol and root of class struggle in any society- money. Money are today's direct or indirect base of everything we aim for, it is ironic how society praises so much something with an artificial value. The question is can we do without them ?

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