
Week 7 cinematographer:An Event Horizon in a Clown's Life

It is final week and I believe we have finally created the film we have longed for. For me what ignited the spark we lacked so far is Egle's brilliant script. What is remarkable about it, in my view, is its simplicity and artistic essence which could be a base for many different and abstract interpretations.
Furthermore,  it is more like a theatrical impression than a firmly structured script. This gave us a strong confidence and on the day of filming where we fully concentrated on the image and were able to creatively work on the construction of mise-en-scene without being restrained by time.
It is an interesting fact that each member had a different understanding and interpretation of the script, this contributed a lot to the visual richness of the footage in terms of camera angles and staging and also to the  variety of colors we used.
As a group we generally thought that it is a film about friendship and the loss of a beloved one. While this is true I have a slightly different interpretation, which I believe could be the emotional core of our film. Personally I find ''Pretend To Be'' as a poetic miniature about the rigid irreversible nature of life, shown in a bitter satirical way through the eyes of an innocent clown. Such interpretation maybe sounds a bit pretentious - I know- but if we think of it- life has some points which cannot be reverted or undone. In ''Pretend To Be'' this is shown through the simple burst of the balloon. What provoked my interest after this point was the fact that the clown in an innocent childish way tries to fix the balloon and reblow it again (more clearly shown in the original script). The innocent misunderstanding of the clown enhances the bitter feel of the tragic ending.Still the ending could not be interpreted entirely as tragic since the clown hangs herself with a scarf from her colorful bag as if it is another crazy clown's trick and thus keeps the satire, dark comedy feel of the film.

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