
Week 2 - cinematographer's initial thoughts after filming

How did it go? Well... 2.5 hours is just too little time to shoot everything as we wanted it to be. The script was great, the actors were OK, but... the kitchen turned out to be really small (or the camera's lens wasn't that as wide as the setting would require it to be) and not-that-well arranged to suit needs of the script. Point to bear in mind next week: instead of meeting in a cafĂ© to discuss the script, have a meeting on location. Another point to bear in mind (for the whole crew): it's the DIRECTOR that is supposed to control the overall look of the film and it's S/HE who makes FINAL choices, without further discussions. That might save us a lot of time which we could spend on filming, not arguing. And because of arguing (at least to some extent) we had to make changes to the script. The most obvious change would be the ending, as well as using hand-held shots more often than those shot with the camcorder on a tripod. Fortunately, we managed to film stabilized shots in parts that tell about order, leaving the conflict to be shown by blurry images. Now it may not make too much sense, but once the video is uploaded to our YouTube channel, you'll be able to see what I mean. What we need to do next week is to plan far more ahead than we did this week.

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