
WEEK 2: 'The Encounter' (script writing)

While writing the script for next week I watched millions or even more of short films on 'YouTube' and what can I say, that really helped. Also i found few very interesting channels.
'Future Shorts' which has lots of inspiring and interesting films. For example this one -

Also I discovered very interesting Lithuanian director's channel 'TadasV' There are videos of funny situations most of them are animated. But there are few films like this one as well -
I read that this video was submitted as part of the 'Being 50' video competition sponsored by Saga. And as I found out later this film won first place (more videos that were participating in this competition you can find here).
I found 'YouTube' very useful looking for inspiration.

UPDATE [6:52 PM 2/5/2012]

Just came back from our group meeting. (I am an awful script writer.) And else - it so difficult to work in a group where all the people are foreigners. Lots of misunderstandings and it makes things even more difficult then they meant to be. I believe that we'll manage to film good films somehow.
Despite all the bad things we finally have our script done. So the premiere of week's 2 short film 'Cookie' filmed by'Penumbra Pictures' will be in the middle of the week. Hopefully.

UPDATE: 1:41 2/6/2012

Just realized that I am over-reacting all the time. Our group is fantastic and we will do everything great. And my, director's of this film expectations are to make funny and entertaining short film paying most of attention for details, by using CU and ECU shots. As well as use colors as a tool for making scene look more interesting and playful.

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't that bad at all. We just need to work a little more to get to know each other better and so understand each other better - that'll prevent misunderstandings. What we finally came up with makes me very optimistic about our next production and if Georgi and Petar (the actors) do their best, we'll be more than fine. I really can't wait to put the script through its paces tomorrow!
